Why the world needs myLifeCoach.me

200 years ago someones purpose and career paths was quite clear, often inherited from generations before. Today everybody can be anything. That’s great! But also brings a burden with it. People are often overwhelmed by the sheer amount of career options available.

The same is true for almost all other areas of our lives.
Family and relationships: Do I want to have children? Do I want to have a relationship? With a man or a woman, or both? 🙂
Living arrangements & lifestyle: Do I want to live alone, with my friends, my partner? Do I want to work from an office or at home? Do I want to work at all?
Finances: How important is money in my life? Do I want to be rich and make the sacrifices necessary or am I happy with just having enough?
Our fitness level: Do I want to look like a model, be fit like an athlete or is being healthy my first priority?
How we contribute to society: Volunteering, supporting my friends and family, charity?
I think you get the point!

As a result we live in a culture were the word “stress” seems to be used more frequently than the word “water”. We don’t have time to connect to people anymore because we are all so freaking “busy”. And stress related mental health issues such as burn out, anxiety and depression have become a serious problem in our society.

Olivia Zechner, founder of myLifeCoach.me says:

“I first realized this problem when I found myself in the “busy” trap of the world of corporate banking. I realized that I was so busy because I spent a lot of my life reacting to the demands of the world around me, instead of my own, working on something with little meaning to me. The problem was I had no clue what I really wanted from my life and what I could do to make it more meaningful.

I started talking to colleagues and friends about this and realized, about 80% of them had the exact same problem. They all knew they are not really happy and fulfilled with what they do right now but they also didn’t know what they had to do to make it better.

With my Life Coach we have created a program that helps people solve this problem.”

For more information or to sign up for a 7 day free trial visit myLifeCoach.me.

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