How to Create a Vision Board – The Unstoppable Power of Intention

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln

A vision board is a collection of words, images and other items that help you visualize your vision and goals. It serves as a daily reminder of your dreams and who it is you want to be. Ultimately a vision board will help you focus on what is really important to you and prevent you from getting distracted.

Why is it so important to have one?

Oprah Vision BoardCreating a vision board is possibly one of the most powerful visualization tools you could use to help you focus on getting what you really want. It is an image of your future and represents your goals and dreams. When you create a vision board and place it somewhere you can see it regularly, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises every day. Your brain will be constantly reminded of your goals and you will subconsciously become a lot more focused on going after and achieving those goals.

If you have not created a personal vision statement yet, this article will help you do so. Or sign up for my Life Coach, which will guide you step-by-step through the process.

How do I make a vision board?

It is YOUR vision board, so you decide what it should look like, what content it needs to motivate you and help you visualize a great future and what is the best place to keep it, so you can see it as often as possible.

You can do something very simple like getting a large piece of paper and stick handwritten post-it notes on it or let your creativity take over and create a little piece of art. The most popular way is to get a card or cork board and use a combination of photos, notes, magazine cutouts, quotes, really anything that represent the life you are aspiring to live and goals that you want to achieve along the way. Try to be very specific and only use positive key words and images that are clear and simple. If you use too much information it will become harder to focus on a clear goal. Make it simple & clear!

Make sure to include:

  • Content that helps you visualize the life you want to live as if you were living it already
  • Goals that serve as stepping stones to help you create that life
  • Images and words
  • It’s good to include materialistic things but also include how it will make you feel to get these things and why it is so important for you

The important part is to get started. Now!
Don’t wait until it’s a good time. You might want to start with a few notes on a piece of paper and keep adding, use whatever you have on hand. If you don’t have any photos handy that’s okay, use words, powerful words.
You can always upgrade your vision board later. But you need to get started.

What to do with my Vision Board once it’s complete?

First of all I doubt that your vision board will ever be complete. You grow, evolve and expand and hopefully your dreams will too as you go through different stages of your life. You might be able to tick off some of the goals you had placed on your vision board at some point and want to add new ones. Keep the goals you have already achieved on the board as a small reminder of all the great things you have accomplished already. Let it be a record of your growth.

Place the board somewhere you can see it at least once a day, ideally before you go to bed and at some point in the morning. Try to spend a few minutes before you go to bed to visualize either a specific goal or what it feels like to be that person you will be in the future. The thoughts present in your mind before going to sleep influence your subconscious mind and might replay themselves throughout the night. As a positive side effect, studies show that having positive thoughts in your mind before you go to sleep, improve the quality of your sleep.

– Look at your vision board often and feel the inspiration it provides
– Visualize it! Picture yourself living THIS life
– Believe it is already yours
– Be grateful for the good that has already happened in your life
– Be clear about your vision and goals but flexible on how to get there



Questions our coaches get asked frequently about this topic:

Do I first write my vision statement or create the vision board?

That differs from person to person. Some people know exactly what they want and find it easy to write down their vision statement. They use the vision board to support it with images and affirmations that will help them visualize their vision.

Others who don’t have such a focused view on their future might use the vision board to build up their ultimate vision by “collecting” bits and pieces that will one day complete their vision. Try writing a vision statement first and if you find it extremely difficult start creating a vision board and work on your vision statement simultaneously.

Are there any good apps around?

There are a few vision board apps out there and while I’m all for digitalization and using apps and tech gadgets to increase productivity in our lives, in this very instance I personally recommend to use your hands and create a physical vision board. I have yet to come across somebody who is successfully using a vision board app. But I’m happy to be convinced otherwise if anyone can share a good example 🙂

Please use the comments below if you have any further questions or your own experiences to share.

my Life Coach will guide you step-by-step to creating a powerful vision that will help you live a healthy and happy life.
Try it now for free.


One thought on “How to Create a Vision Board – The Unstoppable Power of Intention

  1. Joan Reply

    I use pintrest for my vision board. but i agree it’s not ideal.

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